Semi Final Varsity Level of ALSA UI E-Comp 2011
Semi Final Varsity Level of ALSA UI E-Comp 2011
Motion: THBT War Journalist Should Be Forced To Reveal Their Sources To International Criminal Tribunal

Grand Final Varsity Level of ALSA UI E-Comp 2011
Grand Final Varsity Level of ALSA UI E-Comp 2011.
Motion: THW Allow Consensual Cannibalism

Grand Final Founders Trophy 2010 -
THW never promote democracy by means of war -
OG: UNDIP A, OO: SMA 34 Alumni,

NUEDC Kopertis wilayah 3 2011:
NUEDC Kopertis 3 - Round 2
Motion: THBT Indonesia should implement its own National Security Act
Match-up: UI (OG) v Bakrie (OO) v BIPEDS (CG) v STBA LIA (CO)
Please use this Website to help you download videos from youtube:





17 - 20 JULY 2011


the maximum cap of this competition is :
40 teams for NATIONAL (outside Banyumas, Purbalingga, Banjarnegara, Cilacap, Kebumen)
and 20 teams for Local ( Banyumas, Purbalingga, Banjarnegara, Cilacap, Kebumen)

LODGING FEE    :        50.000-75.000 IDR/ PERSON/NIGHT
N=1 has an equal registration fee.
maximum 3 teams for each institution

 phase 1will be closed on 30 April for registration
and closed on 12 may 2011 for full payment
the cap is only 40 teams for national and 20 teams for local and remember "first come first served"
if you have registered but you haven't completed the payment yet, you'll miss your slot.
and the phase 2 will be opened if only we still have the slots remains.
so just keep your slot from now!

after all registration process you pass, please wait until you get the notification from us BEFORE you  pay the registration fee to the following account:

Account no. 527.0286.021 BCA cab. Binus a/n R. Radite Ajie Pamungkas
000.498.9902 Bank Sinar Mas a/n Erna Wisnu Wardhani

thank you..

Rule and Regulation

A. N=1 policy
    Please note that we would apply the N1 adjudicator requirement for each applying teams (n reflects the number     of registered teams; which means that an institution sending 1 team would have to also send 1 adjudicator,             sending 2 teams means also sending 2 adjudicators, and so on). This rule is applied to this leads to a                 noteworthy reminder that one team consists of 3 debaters and 1 adjudicator

B. Eligibility of Novice Team:

1. Novice Break is a final round parallel to the Main Break FInals for the top 4 of Novice Teams which are not included in the main elimination rounds.
2. Novice Teams are teams whose members have never:
-broken into the elimination rounds of any previous national debating tournaments,
-debated in more than 4 national debating tournaments,
-joined any international debating tournaments.
3. The eligibility of teams will be based on interview and protests can be filed.


                    FREE ACCOMODATION OF WUPID 2011*



**Q:     isn't it possible that the 2 top best come from 2 different institutions, is it?
           what are they representing for? what is institution's name that they will represent?
            is it okay for KLOC?
A:        Yes, it is. the top 2 will represent as one team! because KLOC is open for everyone,every team in the                     world!
            the institution name would be the BAWOR CUP's Sponsor's name.

for more information,
the committee of BAWOR CUP 2011 is working to get a FREE FLIGHT for all champion, top 2 best speakers and novice champion. (*cross finger) :D 

13th to 16th September 2011
Frequently Asked Question
Basic Information

i) Which debating format is adopted in BIND?
British Parliamentary is the format adopted by the 2011 BIND. British Parliamentary is a system which evolved from England’s Houses of Parliament. It features two sides (Government and Opposition), with two teams per side (Opening Government, Closing Government, Opening Opposition, and Closing Opposition). It is the debate format used for the World Universities Debating Championships (WUDC), a highly regarded international debate tournament, attended annually by some 1,200 debaters across the globe.

ii) When will BIND be held?
The 2011 BIND will take place on 13th-16th of September 2011.
On September 13th, the A-Core will present a debating and adjudication seminar. All registered participants are required to attend the seminars and workshop. Accreditation will also be held on the same day. All N1 adjudicators are obliged to take the accreditation test.
The debate tournament takes place on the 14th, 15th and 16th of September. There are 5 preliminary rounds, 1 public speaking round and 3 elimination rounds (Quarterfinal, Semifinal and Final round). 

iii) Where will BIND be held?
Joseph Wibowo Center
Jl Hang Lekir 1, No. 6
South Jakarta 12120

iv) What is the Tournament Cap?

The tournament cap is 80 teams

v) Who are in the 2011 BIND A-Core?

For the 2011 BIND, we are privileged to have the following individuals serving as part of our Adjudication Core:
DCAs - Tim Mooney (University of Sydney, DCA of La Salle Worlds 2012, 2-time WUPID Finalist, and 2008 Best Speaker, Botswana Worlds Finalist and 2nd Best Speaker), Lucinda David (Lund University, Grand Final Judge at Auckland Australs 2010 and London Australs 2010, CA of De La Salle Worlds 2012) and Thepparith ("TJ") Senamngern(Assumption University, CA - 2009 ABP, CA - 2010 UADC), who will work together with our Chief Adjudicator, Raj Sangtani (BIPEDS, WUPID 2010 Grandfinal Adjudicator, Quarterfinalist of Asian BP 2009 and 2nd EFL Best Speaker)


i) Who can register for BIND?
The 2011 BIND is open to all bona fide students, duly authorized by their institutions to represent their respective debate institutions and/or debate societies. Their status as bona fide students shall be evidenced by their presentation of their current identification cards or by an endorsement letter signed by a duly authorized officer of their school.

ii) Can composite teams register for BIND?
Composite teams from different schools will be allowed to register, provided that:
(i) both members come from the same educational level – i.e., both high school students,
OR both tertiary level students (S1-S1, or S2-S2, or D2-D2),
(ii) both members must be full-time students at their respective institutions, and
(iii) each member of the team must not have more than two years of debate experience (either in BP or 3on3 or any other format).
Composite teams registering will automatically be included in the wait list, and will be moved up to the main list once the main list is finalized and slots remain. Lastly, composite teams will be classified as non-breaking teams.

iii) Can high school institutions register for BIND?
High school institutions can register for the 2011 BIND. Eight (8) slots, out of the 80-team cap, have been allocated for high school teams. The 9th team onwards will be automatically listed in the waiting list.

iv) Can I register for the seminar only?
The 2011 BIND will open slots for the debating and adjudication seminars for public in July. You may notify the registration team ( for updates, pertaining to seminars-only registration, to be sent to your personal email.

v) How many teams can register for BIND?
The 2011 BIND Organising Committee has set a tournament team cap of eighty (80) teams, with seventy-two (72) slots allocated for teams coming from tertiary level institutions, and eight (8) slots allocated for high school teams.

vi) How many teams can my institution register?
Each institution may send a maximum of two (2) teams, comprised of two students each. Additional teams will be automatically listed in the waiting list. In addition, each institution shall be required to register an N=1 adjudicator.

vii) How many adjudicator/s must I register along with the team/s?
The Adj rule is N1. This means the number of team/s which an institution wishes to send must be accompanied by the same number of adjudicators.
1 team = 1 adjudicator
2 teams = 2 adjudicators
3 teams = 3 adjudicators

viii) May I register additional adjudicators?
If you wish to register more than the number of adjudicators which you must send, kindly contact The registration team will immediately inform whether this is feasible.

ix) May I register as an Independent adjudicator?
If you wish to adjudicate in BIND but are not part of the N1 requirement or not attached to any institution participating in the tournament, you may register as an independent adjudicator. Kindly contact The registration team will immediately inform whether this is feasible.
x) How to register teams?

As shown in the table below, there are 4 phases;
Phase 1 Online Registration 24th May 2011 - 20th June 2011
Phase 2 Payment Phase 21st June 2011 - 20th July 2011
Phase 3* Payment Phase for team in waiting list 22nd July 2011 - 20th August 2011
Phase 4 Participant's Detail 1st August 2011 - 20th August 2011

i) What should I do during phase 1?
Phase 1: Online Registration - 24th May – 20th June 2011
You should register through the official 2011 BIND official website ( The website is open for registration from Tuesday, May 24, 2011 (12:00 noon Jakarta time, which is GMT +7) until June 20, 2011.

The following information will be required at this stage of registration:
i) Full Name of Institution
ii) No. of Teams
iii) No. of Adjudicators
iv) Name of Contact Person
v) Contact Person Details
The allocation of slots will be on a first come, first served basis.

The institutional cap is 2 teams. An institution which wants to send more than 2 teams can register more than 2 teams during the online registration. However, the third team onwards shall be automatically placed in the waiting list.

ii) What should I do during phase 2?
Phase 2: Payment Phase - 21st June – 20th July 2011
Pay the registration fees of team/s which your registration has successfully registered within 21st June – 20th July 2011AND Email a scanned proof of payment latest by 20th July 2011.

iii) What should I do during phase 2?
Phase 3: Payment Phase for teams in waiting list - 22st July -20st August
Pay the registration fees of team/s which your registration has successfully registered within 22st July -20st August AND Email a scanned proof of payment latest by 20th August 2011.

iv) What should I do during phase 4?
Phase 4: Participants details - 1st August -25st August
At phase 4 of Registration, institutions are expected to submit the personal details of the debaters and adjudicator/s that have been successfully registered and paid for. This is to be done through the online forms available at

v) From whom may I request for official invitation letters?
Should your institution require an official invitation letter, kindly contact our registration team at


i) How much is the registration fee?
The registration fee is USD55 OR Rp. 450.000 per person.

ii) To whom does this registration fee apply?
The registration fee applies to all of the debaters and N1 adjudicators participating at the 2011 BIND.

iii) What does the registration fee cover?
The registration fee includes lunch and snacks, transportation from venue to other tournament sites, excludes bank charges & accommodation

i) Does the registration fee include accommodation?
The registration fee does not include accommodation costs. 

ii) Where would you suggest the participants to stay?
We offer 3 (three) accommodation options i.e. Binus Square Dorm, Binus Square Hotel and Harris Hotel. Further details of the three accommodation options can be found in 

iii) Can the participants stay elsewhere?
The participants are free to stay elsewhere. You can contact for assistance with arrangement of accommodation.