Where you can get all of information about English Debate Activity, Debate websites links, Debate videos links, all you need to learn more about English Debate skills.
Our Practice Schedule (flexible):
Day : Sunday (or Saturday)
Time : 08.00-12.00 (or 'till finish)
Place : DPR SMADA or Magnet Zone or Grandcity Mall Foodcourt
It would be just so ironic if you have high grade for English in your National Examination report but you can't speak in English nor even have any confidence to speak in English to other people.
SMADA IDEA is undeniable, the only place in SMADA where you can prove that you are indeed an RSBI (International School) student.
You will be also to have bigger chance to be chosen by diknas and school to join every selection for Student Exchange Program to abroad.
In SMADA IDEA, you are going to be changed from a person who is too scared to speak in English, into a person who will make other person too scared to talk to you in English.
Because in SMADA IDEA....
Option to order SMADA IDEA T-SHIRT:

(the design is availabe in white or black color, while the color of the t-shirt is up to you)
1) You can order to only print the design of SMADA IDEA T-Shirt by using your own t-shirt
(so you don't need to buy the T-shirt, you just give your own t-shirt to be digitally printed)
Digital Printing Fee
White T-shirt: IDR 40.000
Other color: IDR 50.000
2) Or if money is not a big deal for you, you can order to print the design plus buy the T-Shirt.
Prices of T-Shirt based on Size:
(the price can be changed anytime based on market price fluctuation)
S: IDR 30.000
M: IDR 35.000
L: IDR 40.000
XL: IDR 45.000
For further info, you may Contact: Mas Teguh 0856.4808.2021
The List of SMADA IDEA Achievements:
3-5 June 2011 :
Best Speaker & Octo finalist of SODE (Surabaya Open Debate Event) 2011
14-15 May 2011 :
2nd place of HSC FIB UNAIR 2011
22-24 April 2011 :
2nd place of SEDAN STIKOM 2011
9-10 April 2011 :
Octo & Quarter finalist of SMASH Open Debate 2011 in SMAN 1 Sidoarjo
19-20 March 2011 :
Octo & Quarter finalist of HILITE East Java Debate Competition in FISIP UNAIR
28 February 2011 :
3rd Place & Quarter finalist of BET, East Java-Bali Debate in UNIBRAW Malang
8-10 November 2010:
5th Best Speaker of East Java NSDC 2010
6-7 Nov 2010:
Octo finalist of East Java Debate Competition in UNESA
29-30 May 2010 :
1st Place & Octo finalist of Smada Open Debate Event in SMAN 2 Surabaya
8 May 2010 :
1st place of East Java Simulasi Sidang ASEAN by Departemen Luar Negeri
1-2 May 2010 :
1st place of UWIKA Debate Competition in UWIKA
24-25 April 2010 :
3rd place of SEDAN Debate Competition in STIKOM
20-21 March 2010 :
2nd place of East Java News Reading Competition in FIB Unair
20-21 March 2010 :
Octo finalist of East Java Debate Competition in FIB Unair
6-7 March 2010 :
Quarter finalist of East Java Debate Competition in FISIP Unair
13-14 February 2010 :
Octo finalist of East Java-Bali Debate Competition in Unibraw Malang
6-7 February 2010 :
2nd place of
12-13 December 2009 :
5th place of Surabaya English Debate Open Tournament in SMAN 9 Surabaya
24-25 November 2009 :
1st place of East Java-Indonesia School Debating Championship in Diknas Jatim
21-22 August 2009 :
2nd place of UPH English Debating Competition in Universitas Pelita Harapan
11-13 June 2009 :
1st place of Hybrid Debating Competition in Diknas Propinsi Jatim
17 May 2009 :
1st place of EF English Olympic Competition that held by East Java English First
12-19 March 2009 :
14th place of National Indonesia School English Debating Competition in Jakarta
(National selection for International World School Debate Championship in
14-15 March 2009 :
4th place, Octo Finalist and The Best Speaker of East Java English Debating
Competition in SASING UNAIR
7-8 February 2009 :
4th place and Octo Finalist of East Java English Debating Competition in Poltek ITS
13-14 December 2008 :
1st place and Octo Finalist of East Java English Debating Competition in FH UNAIR
22 November 2008 :
1st place of KELT English competition in Sheraton Hotel, in speaking category.
15 November 2008 :
3rd and 5th place of East Java Management English Fun Fair in FE UNAIR
03-05 November 2008 :
10 Finalist of
01-02 November 2008 :
Octo Finalist of
30-31 October 2008 :
1st place of East Java English Debating Competition in Diknas Propinsi Jatim
(Provincial ISDC selection for National ISDC selection in
19 December 2007 :
1st place of East Java Management English Fun Fair in FE UNAIR
24 November 2007 :
3rd and 5th place and The Best Speaker of East Java English Debating Competition in
10 November 2007 :
Octo Finalist of
1st place of KELT English competition in Sheraton Hotel, in listening category.
22 July 2007 :
Quarter Finalist of East Java English Debating Competition in TV Education
23 December 2006 :
10 Finalist
08 December 2006 :
- 3rd
- 5th and 6th place of 46 teams of East Java Management English Fun Fair in FE UNAIR
19 November 2006 :
10th place of 30 teams of East Java English Debating Competition in FH UNAIR
04 February 2006 :
3rd place of English Bulletin Competition held by UK Petra in TP
18 January 2006 :
Quarter Finalist of English Debating