Rabu, 10 Agustus 2011
Congratulation for Team SMAN 2 Surabaya A
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Selasa, 14 Juni 2011
Where you can get all of information about English Debate Activity, Debate websites links, Debate videos links, all you need to learn more about English Debate skills.
Our Practice Schedule (flexible):
Day : Sunday (or Saturday)
Time : 08.00-12.00 (or 'till finish)
Place : DPR SMADA or Magnet Zone or Grandcity Mall Foodcourt
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The List of SMADA IDEA Achievements:
3-5 June 2011 :
Best Speaker & Octo finalist of SODE (Surabaya Open Debate Event) 2011
14-15 May 2011 :
2nd place of HSC FIB UNAIR 2011
22-24 April 2011 :
2nd place of SEDAN STIKOM 2011
9-10 April 2011 :
Octo & Quarter finalist of SMASH Open Debate 2011 in SMAN 1 Sidoarjo
19-20 March 2011 :
Octo & Quarter finalist of HILITE East Java Debate Competition in FISIP UNAIR
28 February 2011 :
3rd Place & Quarter finalist of BET, East Java-Bali Debate in UNIBRAW Malang
8-10 November 2010:
5th Best Speaker of East Java NSDC 2010
6-7 Nov 2010:
Octo finalist of East Java Debate Competition in UNESA
29-30 May 2010 :
1st Place & Octo finalist of Smada Open Debate Event in SMAN 2 Surabaya
8 May 2010 :
1st place of East Java Simulasi Sidang ASEAN by Departemen Luar Negeri
1-2 May 2010 :
1st place of UWIKA Debate Competition in UWIKA
24-25 April 2010 :
3rd place of SEDAN Debate Competition in STIKOM
20-21 March 2010 :
2nd place of East Java News Reading Competition in FIB Unair
20-21 March 2010 :
Octo finalist of East Java Debate Competition in FIB Unair
6-7 March 2010 :
Quarter finalist of East Java Debate Competition in FISIP Unair
13-14 February 2010 :
Octo finalist of East Java-Bali Debate Competition in Unibraw Malang
6-7 February 2010 :
2nd place of
12-13 December 2009 :
5th place of Surabaya English Debate Open Tournament in SMAN 9 Surabaya
24-25 November 2009 :
1st place of East Java-Indonesia School Debating Championship in Diknas Jatim
21-22 August 2009 :
2nd place of UPH English Debating Competition in Universitas Pelita Harapan
11-13 June 2009 :
1st place of Hybrid Debating Competition in Diknas Propinsi Jatim
17 May 2009 :
1st place of EF English Olympic Competition that held by East Java English First
12-19 March 2009 :
14th place of National Indonesia School English Debating Competition in Jakarta
(National selection for International World School Debate Championship in
14-15 March 2009 :
4th place, Octo Finalist and The Best Speaker of East Java English Debating
Competition in SASING UNAIR
7-8 February 2009 :
4th place and Octo Finalist of East Java English Debating Competition in Poltek ITS
13-14 December 2008 :
1st place and Octo Finalist of East Java English Debating Competition in FH UNAIR
22 November 2008 :
1st place of KELT English competition in Sheraton Hotel, in speaking category.
15 November 2008 :
3rd and 5th place of East Java Management English Fun Fair in FE UNAIR
03-05 November 2008 :
10 Finalist of
01-02 November 2008 :
Octo Finalist of
30-31 October 2008 :
1st place of East Java English Debating Competition in Diknas Propinsi Jatim
(Provincial ISDC selection for National ISDC selection in
19 December 2007 :
1st place of East Java Management English Fun Fair in FE UNAIR
24 November 2007 :
3rd and 5th place and The Best Speaker of East Java English Debating Competition in
10 November 2007 :
Octo Finalist of
1st place of KELT English competition in Sheraton Hotel, in listening category.
22 July 2007 :
Quarter Finalist of East Java English Debating Competition in TV Education
23 December 2006 :
10 Finalist
08 December 2006 :
- 3rd
- 5th and 6th place of 46 teams of East Java Management English Fun Fair in FE UNAIR
19 November 2006 :
10th place of 30 teams of East Java English Debating Competition in FH UNAIR
04 February 2006 :
3rd place of English Bulletin Competition held by UK Petra in TP
18 January 2006 :
Quarter Finalist of English Debating
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In this site you will get all of info about (past, current, and up coming) high schools/universities debating competition events in all over Indonesia.
SCUD (Surabaya Community of Debating)
In this site you will get all of info about (past, current, and up coming) high schools/universities debating competition events in East Java.
SCUD (Surabaya Community of Debating) Website
All about Surabaya Community of Debating
Debate Indonesia Website
The Updatest information on every Debating competition News in Indonesia and abroad
FACEBOOK OF SCUD (Surabaya Community of Debating)
Debater Gombal Twitter
This is the way how a debater say "I LOVE YOU"
As the name implies, this is the wikipedia for debater. The "holly book" of every newbie & intermediate debater. A should reading website for every debater.
Pembawa Berkah
a funny & hillarious personal blog of a debater named Safira Lazuardi, who was once a senior high debater in Borneo and now is a debater of ITB Bandung. From this blog, you'll get a picture how debate competition looks like. You'll enjoy reading this blog.
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The detail rules of Debating that can be downloaded:
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Use this link to help you download the videos:
You can download the videos here:
WSDC (World SchoolDebating Championship) 2008 New Zealand vs Indonesia
Semi Final Varsity Level of ALSA UI E-Comp 2011
Semi Final Varsity Level of ALSA UI E-Comp 2011
Motion: THBT War Journalist Should Be Forced To Reveal Their Sources To International Criminal Tribunal
Grand Final Varsity Level of ALSA UI E-Comp 2011
Grand Final Varsity Level of ALSA UI E-Comp 2011.
Motion: THW Allow Consensual Cannibalism
Grand Final Founders Trophy 2010 -
THW never promote democracy by means of war -
OG: UNDIP A, OO: SMA 34 Alumni,
NUEDC Kopertis wilayah 3 2011:
NUEDC Kopertis 3 - Round 2
Motion: THBT Indonesia should implement its own National Security Act
Match-up: UI (OG) v Bakrie (OO) v BIPEDS (CG) v STBA LIA (CO)
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Selasa, 08 Desember 2009
THBT trade and investment in Africa are more critical than inter-nation aid to overcome poverty
I. Debate Analysis: Definition Problem
Case Study: UIIA VS UNNES (Quarter Final IVED 10 Purwokerto)
Motion: THBT trade and investment in
1st Affirmative:
We define trade and investment as trade and investment in
I as the first speaker will explain about the nature of the trade and investment while the second speaker will explain regarding the future implications. Our house believes that the only way to stop this illness is through sustainabiliy in development through investment in manufacture and industries. To make this even more possible, we propose for a reduce in tariffs for African-based products to allow competitiveness in the international free trade. When the products are participating in the free market, then the sustainability of African industries in ensured, especially with the reduce in tariffs. Through the investment, made possible by the existing resources, employment will cherish and the number of Gross Per Capita Income would increase in line with the increasing industries and manufacture. In the end, poverty will slowly be eradicated with the increase of employment through industries made possible by the trade and investmets.
1st Negative:
The Affirmative is neglecting what is currently happening in
I as the first speaker will explain regarding the severity of the basic neccesity problem while the second speaker will elaborate further regarding the the impact of this basic neccesity issue to the African people. Ladies and gentlemen, the condition in
2nd Affirmative
The conditions explained by the house of the negative explains regarding what we call as livelihood issues which comprise of the matters as they have provided; food, health and shelters. However, the livelihood issues are the issues handled by NGOes or Non Govermental Organizations, and thus cannot be considered as G-to-G aid as we have stated before. These livelihood issues do not fall into the responsibility of G-to-G aid, since there are already institutions such as the NGOes that handle it. NGOes such as the Red Cross and UNDP handles with these livelihood issues since it falls in their job description, yet however, it is simply not the nature of G-to-G aid. Therefore, until this moment, negative side of the house has failed to defend G-to-G aid. Furthermore, the negative also has failed to answer our point regarding sustainability. If they believe in international aid so much, then the question is how sustainable it is for the African countries until they can be independent from the aids.
Now I am going to explain my share of the case, which is the future implication of trade and investment in
2nd Negative
Ladies and gentlemen, again and again the government is neglecting the critical issue in
Ladies and gentlemen, now please allow me to launch into my split. As my first speaker has stated to us all that Africans are inherently poor and infested with HIV. This damages the country’s existing human resources and would only impede growth and development unless this problem is solved first. Due to their urgent nature, trade and investment is not quick enough to answer this problem, and only aid from international countries can be considered as effective enough to anwer this issue. Trade and investment cannot answer hunger and health issues, ladies and gentlemen. Only international aid is quick enough to provide a fast response for the demmanding Africans.
II. Discussion Group
Question 1: Which house has the upper hand in the debate? What is the main reason of your verdict? (if possible with margin range)
Question 2: What is the main issue needed to be supported by both teams’ proposal? Have any of the houses managed to provide sufficient defence?
Question 3: Has the background of African countries elaborated clearly by any of the houses? Why has this become a severe problem in this debate?
Question 4: In your opinion, how to improve the quality of the debate?
III. Assesment (Coach Only)
One of the main problems of the debate is the insufficient matters in form of the current condition in
The second problem is the lack of definition regarding G-to-G aid which trapped the negative side case into livelihood programs commonly conducted by NGOs. It is quite unfortunate that this point was not addressed properly and clarified by the negative side. Livelihood is not the matter exclusively only for NGOes. Government can also dwell in livelihood issues as a form of foreign aid, through in most cases the aid is given to specific implementing agencies to ensure good result. These implementing agencies are called IGO (International Govermental Organization), such as
The third problem is the clarification issue through proper linking. None of the house actually explained ow each of their proposals might solve poverty. Affirmative team never explained the process from having trade and investment to poverty eradication while facing the basic neccesities issue in the same time. Negative also never explained how come aid might solve basic neccesities issue and thus solve poverty problem. The theme lines from both sides are both untouched and unproven in the same time.
The fourth problem is elaboration issue. Clearly, the elaboration was very poor in this debate in which A-R-E-L was not fully implemented in the arguments. Affirmative team may have asserted that trade and investment through free market may provide betterment, yet they did not exlpain the process how how trade and investment can really absorb employment amidst war, corruption, health and education issues and how come trade and investment can be conducted in an area with no sufficient economic foundation which in the end may be worthy of fighting poverty. The reality aspect from the affirmative team’s argument was very much neglected. Whereas for the negative team, their team was too persistent in defending basic neccesities issue without properly elaborating what is the cause of basic neccesities issue and how come basic neccesities is that urgent to be solved first and how come it should be separated from trade and investment. Negative also should have explained that trade and investment is impossible without fixing the current urgent problems first through international aid.
The fifth problem and the one with the most weigh, which finally determines the winner of this round, is response issue. The negative team clearly did not support G-to-G, but rather, jumped into basic neccesities issue without explaining the logical link. Not only that, they have also failed to provide sufficient response to the point of sustainability, and also the affirmative’s proposal regarding opening
*Suggestion for coaches:
- Provide the debaters with link to sources that may help improve the debate.
- Make an example for each point in the assesment, especially for the elaboration point.
- The margin for the debate is 1-3 margins for the affirmative team.
IV. Working Group
Task I : Find related matter(s) that may help improving the debate!
Task II: Strategize the debate better by analyzing the discussed points in this module and incorporate all of the discussed points into a better speech under the same motion!
Task III: Have a new and improved debate under the same motion!
Task IV (Coach only): Assess the debate and determine participant’s perception of the previously discussed points. Provide constructive criticism!
Taken from
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Senin, 14 April 2008
- Gives you an idea of what topics are likely to come up at the tournaments.
- Gives you some background/context of current topics.
- Gives you some ideas of possible pro and cons arguments.
- Read magazines and newspapers. Read several together to get different views!
- TV and radio. Especially shows like Today’s dialogue, etc.
- Discuss. People are a great source of ideas and information.
What to do before research?
- Ideally, you should already have some knowledge about the topic. This is why you need to keep up with the news!
- READ! Focus on understanding:
* The controversy (pro/cons)
* Theories/concepts related to the topic.
- Brainstorm for arguments.
- KNOW what data/facts/examples you need to support your arguments.
The secret
- Focus on getting supporting data/facts/examples that you need!
- Always update your data/facts!. Especially for on going political turmoil. The situation 3 days ago may be drasticallydifferent to the situation today.
- When coming across facts, think of how they can be used in a debate. Possibly add to your arguments.
- To observe a ‘trend’, read stuff published throughout a period of time.
What to do after research?
- Make a matter file for each topic!
- Compile your data/facts/arguments.
- Write down your arguments, and next to it, write down the relevant supporting data/facts/examples.
- Don’t just print out and highlight stuff. Not practical to use in a debate!
(these are just examples, plenty more great sources out there!)
- Know what you are looking for and where to get them!
- Always a good place to start: www.wikipedia.com
- Theories and concepts: books, journals, etc.
- Currents issue, national and international publications:
Kompas.com, MediaIndonesia.com, jawapos.com, detik.com, Jakartapost.com, the economist (www.economist.com), international herald tribune (www.iht.com), the guardian (www.guardian.co.uk), BBC (www.bbs.co.uk).
Diposting oleh ONLINE DEBATING "COMPETITION" di 22.30 2 komentar